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Logo Design


Once I decided on a name, I did character studies of the letters A and F.

Tall and skinny,
short and fat,
minimalist, extra, elegant, girly, masculine...
How much can I erase before it is unrecognizable as the letter?
I have pages of just those letters.

In the end, I took inspiration from a spoon.

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Each sticker is available in 3 sizes; prints come in half and full sizes.

Showing size mock-ups of the products felt essential to me.


Most people have a preconceived idea of what size something is when shopping online, especially with stickers and prints.

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A straightforward interface and grouping of products was vital to create a strong foundation for the site. Taking into account different shopping styles, I've listed the stickers both by type and by flag.

Specifically with the pride collection, I've designed two styles of each 'mood' to include a standard circle shape and the dye-cut of the hand.

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Art Smarts and Advice is a blog where I post easy-to-follow articles based on my experience as an artist.

They're mainly directed at younger or beginning artists.

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'Small Business Buds' promots other artists and their businesses. While researching  I found and made friends with many other artists and small business owners. These are some of the fantastic people who inspired me and advised me on my journey.

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